2005 Playoff

There were no other surprises over the 2 days, but a couple of pretty ordinary situations arose, (according to my spies as I was unable to attend due to work commitments)  I will leave them out of print but a couple of players need to have a hard look at their ethics. Mal Malone who was the brunt of some unwarranted  pressure got through, she stuck to her guns and won so good on you Mal totally deserved, also a great effort by Mal to win the Queensland Ladies Title for 2005 the previous week. Damien Smith got through the back end when the Pom Chris Blampton forfeited for no reason for the playoff spot, disappointing and a tad ordinary. Silver Atkinson was a shoe in to make the team and duly did so, how many spots go to the Northern Rivers players is as yet undecided, but we have Greenie, The Pom, Davo, and a couple of others ready and willing to go.

The team will be finalised over the next month, and we will let you all know as soon as it becomes available.

There really are too many people to thank and players to applaud over the series of playoffs, suffice for me to say the venues were all appreciated and in the main top class, most of the frames were played in the right spirit, and in an ego driven game all went pretty well.

I would be remiss if I didn`t mention the behind the scenes efforts by Greg Dingle Peter Watt and Damien Smith who carried the can for every tournament, thanks guys things don`t just happen on the day. They got more things right than wrong so good on you all.

Unfortunately I had to miss the singles and the final playoffs, however my thanks to all for the info I got in my absence (all totally unbiased of course) which was great, I had to finish this tonight as the final test of the ashes starts tomorrow and I have that sinking feeling The Poms may well be the ashes holders in 5 days time, really who cares. (god damnit I do). Anyway it`s all about competing (my favourite saying after I have just been beaten) and I am sure the NSW will play and enjoy every game at the nationals. Good luck to them.

Cheers Poppy.