2005 Playoff

The Northern Rivers Masters and under 21 titles were played at The Dolphins Hotel, Tweed heads on Sunday 28th August, both titles were poorly attended, which was disappointing but some good matches were contested throughout the day.

Winner of the under 21 title was Daniel Woods who came from behind to upstage Callum Wade with Ryan Cretan 3rd (I have to say these 3 lads played their hearts out over the playoffs and have all improved out of sight, and can only improve again) after looking the favourite early doors.

The masters title went to Dennis Watt after a marathon final with Steve Chapman, after leading 5-1 in a race to 6 Dennis started to feel the pressure and next minute it was 5 all, then it was Captain Courageous` turn to feel the heat and Dennis got the money 6-5. Congratulations to both title winners and best of luck in their playoffs (if needed) with their city counterparts. Special mention to Chris Blampton and Kristey Wise who did all the behind scenes work on the day, thanks to you both from everyone.

 The NSW team playoffs were played off in super conditions at the Coolangatta Hotel, the tables were reclothed and nice and quick and our thanks go to the hotel management and Geoff Atkinson for allowing the use of the room for the Saturday and Sunday. The best of 15 double elimination format was a tad much for some of the combatants, Spiderman J. Latta had to be helped onto his pushbike on Sunday by yours truly after 50 odd frames took it`s toll (hope it was a tailwind on the trip back to Lismore JL). Most games went according to plan until top seed Damien Smith played Terry Stevens, at 7-3 the ex Tasmanian rep was cruising but a couple of ordinary shots saw Tezza roar back and qualify for the NSW team with a great 8-7 victory. (2-1 to Terry) forcing the Byron Bay “right hander” to head for the losers side. Good stuff Terry.

2005 5th Ranker

The NSW 8ball singles title was fought out at the Oxford Hotel at Casino over Saturday and Sunday and attracted a field of 23 for the best of 11 double elimination event.

Before I get into the pool, all and sundry agreed (a first ever for a group of pool players) that the Oxford Hotel was the very best venue they had played at, high praise indeed, and the meals were outstanding, that praise coming from a couple of lads that are pretty good on the tooth. So our heartfelt thanks to the owner and staff for making the event a pleasure to play in. The hotel provided 4 excellent tables, and along with numerous prizes provided by the NSW 8ball organisers (no doubt heavily subsidised by The Pool Shop man  who has the best and most competitive prices in Australia without a doubt, if he hasn`t got it he will get it for you, or it can`t be got) throughout the day, it was an event to remember. My only regret was that work commitments caused me to miss a great weekend.

2005 4th Ranker

NSW Ranking Tournament no4                                 Venue Brunswick Heads Hotel 31st July 2005

Another successful ranking tournament with 27 players trying out, a predictable final result with Peter Watt winning yet again this time coming from the losers side to beat Geoffrey Atkinson twice in the final 3-1 and 2-0, however the positive out of playing Watty is that the players can see how far they have to raise the bar to be competitive, and it is plenty let me tell you. Some notable performances today came from yet again Tezza Stevens who for the 2nd straight tournament took care of the number 2 seed and current NSW rep player Damien Smith (who was sporting a very close new hairstyle, trying to emulate my own I am thinking however mine is permanent) perhaps a rivalry is developing there (2-0 to Terry at the moment, we will keep score for you), while on Terry it is fabulous to see players getting individual sponsorship and Terry is one of these and his sponsor lawyers@barwickstevens.com.au are to be applauded. I did notice that “the whingeing pom” failed to appear for the first time, his phone ran hot up until tea on the 1st day of the 1st cricket test when our aussie boys peaked for 180 odd runs however strange as it may sound nothing has been mentioned since and to miss today ??? hmm 4 tests to go as well.

2005 3rd Ranker

Evans Head Ranking Tournament 3rd July 2005


    Another successful ranking tournament was run at the Illawong Hotel at picturesque Evans Head, the hotel has to be congratulated for the facilities, 4 tables which played right up to tournament standard and the meals at their JAGZ restaurant were just sensational, it`s not often you hear from hungry pool players that the burgers were tooo big, but it was a fact great value for money. Enough of that onto the pool, last time we or that should be “I” said that a certain Terry Stevens played way below his usual brilliant best (in fairness to the scribe he was flogged 1st round of both sides of the comp) however credit where credit is due after being poleaxed (black in the deciding frame) by yours truly in the 1st round of the main draw Terry knuckled down and fought his way into a semi final playoff in the back half where he had Greenie on toast to advance to the final but slipped on the last gimme yellow and the green machine clawed his way back and won the decider. More of the finals later or is that latta, anyway god bless the aussies for getting a tie off the poms in the cricket final, the "whingeing pom" would have been unbearable although come to think of it he was anyway, god help us if it rains and they draw a test match.  

2005 2nd Ranker

    NSW eightball`s second playoffs  were held today the 5th of June at The Metropole Hotel in the picturesque town of Lismore, once again 32 players played in the double elimination best of five tournament, the field was bolstered by several locals, plus the Coolangatta legend Geoff Atkinson (you just ask him he will tell you), the tables weren`t up to standard but the whole point of the playoff series is to promote our game through out northern NSW, the next playoff is at The Hotel Illawong, Park Street Evans Head, to be held on the 3rd July,  again a 10.00 start, Oops I digress unusual for me, back to todays games, good to see Greg Dingle there along with Steve Chapman and Michael Cowling from the Gold Coast Diamonds, Johnny “spiderman” Latta was our genial host and while not in the sparkling form of last year, his effort to ease a huge huntsman (it was dead at the start I think) onto the shoulder of Mark “kayband” Morrison, (if it wasn`t dead to start with, when Mark noticed it I would have to say the yell would have frightened it to death) was better than any pot out on the day. The big pockets and high cushions along with some savage rolls made it a tad like russian roulette, but we all adapted to the conditions and had another great day,

2005 1st Ranker

NSW8ball started their first of 4 qualifying playoffs that will decide the 32 players that will playoff on the 10th and 11th September 2005 at a venue to be decided to decide part of the 8 person NSW representative side to play in the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL EIGHT BALL CHAMPIONSHIPS to be held in Western Australia.

The day was an astounding success held with the kind permission of the Hotel Brunswick, (see below)