2006 4th Ranker

Jo”E”, and Lorraine were there with Judy, Anne and Mel for the girls, Mel sending palpitations through the guys to win the main draw, and then beating Dene to win the final, well done gnoma a big one for the girls. Mel didn't have it easy in the draw barrelling JJ, Damo, Dean H (twice) along the way. It's a shame (not for Dean of course) that Dean H rolled Northy in the semi as a Malone – North final would have been a sight to behold, with plenty of niggle. For mine Mel still would have won, although the big (129.4kgs, yes Pete nothing is sacred when it comes to journalists even unpaid hacks like myself) man did impress with his touch and finesse throughout the day a far cry from his dash and bash of Thursday nights, maybe it is a sign of things to come. Hmmm and then again maybe not we will keep you posted.

Callum and Credo travelled down from the Tweed got there late and Credo had to play as the bye, oops against Watty, not a good thing to be late Credo although he did have his chances. Rusty C, Billy C, Rod Pleming, Rod B, Kerry Watt, and Wayne Worley kept their playoff chances alive and good to see another Watt turn up in Dennis who will add a bit of sting to the masters playoffs in August, (how many Watts are still to come? I hear you all ask, well I think that's it unless John joins in). Congrats to the players for not being hard to find on the day (of course the perennial culprits can't help themselves) and keeping the games running through smoothly and helping us finish at a reasonable hour. The mad pom spent the day whinging but he actually played alright getting nailed by Mel and Captain courageous after having big chances in both. Damo found a bit of form as he had to and sent my good self and Watty of to the showers early. Jason K (with a bit of help from JJ the previous night) had to play under considerable pain (Judy reckons he is a sook) and is hitting a bit of form as was JJ who`s drive back to the Sunshine Coast after a big day showed dedication above and beyond the call of duty. So it was a good day had by all.

 Just a reminder the open singles (18th June) the ladies singles (combined with team playoffs 30th July) and the masters (13th August) all have a $50 entry fee. The open team playoffs (22nd 23rd July) is  $50.

 Next ranking playoff date is after the singles on the 9th July at a venue is Coolangatta Hotel.

 Good Potting Poppy