2006 5th Ranker

    51 players have qualified for the teams playoffs event on the 22nd and 23rd July at the Coolangatta Hotel 10.00am start. An anticipated field of around 42 players is expected.

   Confirmation of “non” attendance from any qualified players would be appreciated so the draw can be done early and we can commence at 10.00 sharp.

     All players that qualify for the open team, ladies and masters will be drug tested at a date to be fixed closer to the nationals. No exceptions. A number of spare testing kits are available through NSW 8ball at $45.00 per kit if you are not sure and want to check and save yourself any embarrassment at a later date. This is really an unwanted costly exercise for us but the majority of the players who are in contention for selection are right behind the tests purely and simply for every bodies own peace of mind.

    All the games were played in an open manner and it was a good day and finished at a nice respectable hour with Rusty getting Watty 4-2 in the final. Rustys form continues to be outstanding however a couple of weeks working in Dubbo should take care of that, sleeping with his butt to the wall and with one eye open. Enjoy yourself Rusty.

     Geoff Atkinson put his hand up for the team and got over Dickie 3 zip in the quarters. It was a few crownies past Richards best but Silver did play very well.  A few others put up their hands to say I am going to be hard to beat in the playoff finals. Tony Ivanov, JJ and Rusty Cheshire all showing good form. It was great to see so many ladies in the field and the ladies playoffs on the 30th July will be a hard fought affair. Vanessa is playing out of her skin and improving every time I see her, and along with Sammy, Kirsty, Joe, Tommo, Lorraine, Anne, and Judy all went super on Sunday. Mel back from the world titles will need to be at the top of her game against these girls in what promises to be a great contest.

     Even the golden oldies is shaping up to be a good event with Rusty C, Dennis Watt, Captain courageous Steve, Frosty Field, Jeff Peters, Kerry Watt, Billy C, and Poppy all having the ability to take out the NSW masters title to be held at the Dolphins Hotel on the 13th August.

   Well all the 20 over hit and giggle stuff is over and now it is down to the serious stuff. I would personally like to wish all the combatants the very best in their endeavours to represent what looks what will be the strongest NSW teams ever selected and a realistic chance of lifting the national titles. Let me also add from the NSW committee that we are very happy with the way all the playoffs have been contested and how all the players have got behind us and played the games in the very best of spirits.

   Also thanks to Watty, Steve, Damo and Greg Dingle for all the upfront and behind the scenes work being done and will continue up to and after the nationals, with a 4 man teams competition to be implemented in the coming year for the northern NSW area in an attempt to provide a springboard for a lot of new and old players to gain experience at a good level and vie for representative honours in years to come, also playing for good prizemoney. The ultimate aim being for the costs to our players representing NSW to be minimised and hopefully to be fully covered in years to come. 

Keep your heads down (and backs to the wall Rusty) cheers POPPY.