2007 NSW Open Doubles Championship

Greenie/Kerry got 4th seeds Brent/Mickey and Tanya/Shaun got over Partner James /Kane. Second seeded Watty and Steve Geraghty were the only predictable winners.
The second round was a bit more predictable with teams Rusty, Higgo, the Green Machine, and Watty all progressing. In the back half Willy and I were sneaking through to the last 8 and Willie was getting better with every game. So it was hotting up with Annie/Judy, Vikki/Andy, Jack/Wayne, Brent/Mickey, Fisho/Sticks, along with Tanya and Shaun all bowing out. Team Rusty buried team Higgo 5-2 and Team Waty got the Green Machine team to set up a mouth watering winners side semi best of 9 with team Rusty. Rusty and Joe jumped Watty and Steve but the former tigers team mates struck back strongly and were into the final. Now it was into the back half to find their opponents. Dene/Dax had a great game with the big mac team of Northy/Credo but the big macs won through then swatted the green machine to advance towards a showdown with Higgo/Mark Richardson who I have to say looked resplendent (as far as they could) in especially designed NSW doubles shirts Mark had made up.

Team Higgo had dispatched Gavin/Newcastle who had their chances after they had put Willie and me to the sword winning on the black in the deciding frame previously. Team Higgo vs Team Credo not a sight for the faint hearted or Jeannie Craig coverts went head to head but the Brissie boys had to much paunch oops sorry punch for Credo/Northy and that set up rematch with team Rusty to make the final. Different ball game this time around and a couple of uncharecteristic bloopers and a touch of luck/flair saw Higgo and Mark walk into the final against Watty and Steve. The final ebbed and flowed with good pool and mistakes but Watty and Steve just proved a touch stronger on the day and got the title. All in all it was a great social day and the event is getting stronger each year. Congratulations to all contestants for giving their all and to the 2007 NSW8BALL titleholders Peter Watt on his double digit state title and to Stev Geraghty who won his very first state title a great effort from Steve. See you all next year when we will endevour to make the event even bigger and better.