NSW8ball 4th ranking tournament:
2007 2008 2009? 2010??
Getting down to the wire now only one play off and the singles to go and things are looking good. We played the 4th ranker at Coolangatta Hotel upstairs and with all the tables relevelled,brushed,ironed and with brand new aramith balls the games (well most of them) flew through. The back tables were ultra quick and it was a pleasure to play on them even when you flew past the possie you played for. 41 players were there even mickey Allen and Sterling finally got motivated maybe because it was their last chance.
Joe Buckley was first out the door, she reckons the market takings go down when she is not there. Annie got the cash for the leading lady for the 3rd time in 4 playoffs so she is flying at the moment even Mr Bean has a new respect for her game after being punished and sent home early. Jason Kyranis had to go early following an emergency call but his forfeit to Annie might have been a blessing in disguise for Jas. Early rounds saw our Aussie ladies rep belted by Watty, Jason Kyranis before his early departure reckoned he was favourite for the day after dispatching Dene Heremaia with aplomb in the first round. Alas we will never know Jas. Annie and Watty reckon you were only ducking them. Hmmm. Northy looked like he was going to have a good day after giving it to Masters rep Dennis Watt then belted (his words) former Masters champion Steve "Captain" Chapman but found the much younger Bronson Blackmore a different story and couldn`t stay with him over the best of 5 sprint. Birthday boy (oh to be 23 again) Callum Wade suprisingly to some but not to me made it a bitch of a weekend for Credo (the mighty St George Dragons
having demolished his beloved but wimpish Sea Eagles the night before) but Callum also stumbled when it came to 3rd seed Bronson. 4th seed Greenie fell in against Mels twin brother Jack who had sent Newcastle to the back half early but found a resurgent Barry King too tough then tumbled out to a fly by nighter in Paulie Bacon who had exited in the front half courtesy of my good self. Sterlo (back from his invincible "I am unbeatable" form of the first playoff) ended up in a little block with Judy williams, Stocky and Mickey Allan and after Manchester Uniteds big week Mickey was of course the victor. I managed to sneak past Barry K and Mickey later on. Mr Bean was doing the chest pounding thing early (he stopped when he found that it hurt and he bruises easy, or is it his ego that bruises easy hmm never mind) in winning a grudge match with Kingsley but then after a flyer against silver he found the Silver fox too crafty and eventually sucumbed to him, Beanie did fight back in the losers half until Annie happened. Annie had been bashed by Watty early but was unlucky to find the Northy luck in fine form after belting Mr Bean but she was still the best lady on the day. Watty was doing his thing in the front half and after Gnoma, Rod P and Annie he then put Bronson to rest to make the front half final where he very very luckily got over some one. ah me thats it, actually he had no luck but sounds good.
So it was the losers back half doing battle to face Watty, nice thought to have to beat him twice. Off home early had been Josh (leaving his dad to carry the flag) Dean Whitchurch, Newc, Pedro, Fisho. Wayne Randall, Kristie. Tracey, Jason Levesque (who was out of sorts again) Min, Vikki, Mel "moo" Malone and twin Jack (have to do everything together except go to England) and Kerry Watt. Plus a few more tragics, Steve Geraghty found out the folly of losing first round and facing the prospect of having to play 100 odd games to reach the final, but did a mighty effort to get through 5 games without a break, actually he had a break every second game, and only going down finally to the Silver fox.
Northy got lucky with Annie but his luck didn`t hold against Mickey Allan while Silver suffered the same fate vs Bronson then Mickey belted Bronson and alas brought me to my knees to reach the final with Watty. Wattyb went for everything and Michael sai ta Watty and thumped him 3 zip but then Watty tightened his game up and ran out the winner on the day 3-1. Agood days pool and my thanks to everyone for helping out (I only had to run up and down the stairs 169 tomes instead of the usual 301 times maybe I should delegate to someone f"i"tter like Northy).
PLAYER OF THE DAY: After much deliberation by the judges panel it had to go to Steve Geraghty for his tremendous effort of 6 games straight on the day. Alas he went home early and his prizemoney for player of the day was put on the bar as it should be. Cheers stevo.
Footnight. Stevo took his form into the North Coast league (www.northcoast8ball.com) on Monday night when his team the Heavyweight scaused one of the upsets of the year when they drew with prmiership favourites Brent reads Eels 8 all.
A great day, see you in a month, same time same place.
Cheers Poppy.