NSW8ball 3rd Ranking Tournament

NSW8ball 3rd Ranking Tournament:

Better late than never. We all treked down to Casino for the 3rd ranker (not "the" casino) and it really is a terrific venue for pool. 3 tables, great food and very friendly staff with a very good beer garden made for a great day. Our thanks to Oxford Hotel publican Brian for letting us use his venue for the 3rd year now. A pity no locals turned up to test themselves against us but they had the opportunity to do so. We had 20 players which will always be the case when travel is involved, slack pool players can`t make it out of bed. Many thanks to the players who made the trip. The girls with Jude, Joe, Annie, Mel Cassar and Patricia were well represented with Annie getting the leading ladies money finally after a tough battle. Jude had Greenie up against it early but let it slip. Wattys better half Irene had to work. The Ladies team is looking the best we have had.


Jason K and Wayne Randall (pictured) made the trip down the night before but with a couple of shows at Casino on had to stay at Lismore for the night but came out firing on the poker machines on Sunday. Mr Bean didn`t show but his boss Rob Pleming and his own Brady bunch made it and he was stiff to be put out by me in the later stages. Sterlo and Mickey were notable absentees and have cut it very fine to qualify. Damo and Kingsley (who came with his lovely partner for the 40 minute trip down from Surfers, punched Casino into his GPS and nearly had a heart attack when 2 hours and 20 minutes came up, still the King got there about the time I expected him) my Monday night team mates were up against each other for the 2nd time in a row and the same result the King now 2 up and Damo hot to get back at him.


Greenie slid through after his early scare with Jud and Northy was poking along quietly (quietly? hmmm). It came down to Greenie having to beat Watty twice for the cash but they played once and that was enough. It was a good day only marred by Carolyn not gracing us with her prescence when she came past to pick up Joe on the way home to Yamba. Must have had a shocker at the Bangalow markets. Give me a call if you need any concrete mushrooms I am on a generous commission from the Yambe celebrities.

Ok that was short and sweet not so the trip home as I tagged Mark Morrison all the way following road trains up and down unpassable hills. With Watty nailing Rusty 6-1 in the Hervey Bay Classic last weekend our team form is looking better and better. Until next time at Coolie caio.