2007 3rd Ranker

Due to extensive renovations at the Great Northern Hotel in Byron Bay the Byron Bay Classic for this year only will be played at the Coolangatta Hotel on 20th May 10.00am start.

Phew an early start for all concerned except for me I was late (I was working). Especially early for Joe and Caroline from Yambe and also Micheal from Brisbane. We ended up with 30 players 0n the day. The usual culprits got into the 2nd round except for my good self who was nailed by Mr Bean and was consigned to the joy of the losers side for the day. Did you know you have to win something like 25 frames to get back into the main action. Anyway to cut a long story short I battled back only to have “The Pensioner” Dave Smallwood fluke a snooker in the 2nd game on the black to reach the losers semi’s. Never mind it was all good.
Newcomers included Fisho (his real name is ***, no I couldn’t do it), Dax, leave me alone these are real names. Hard to beleive but true and Mark Williams now thats a real name.
Dax has slipped over from Broken Hill and can pot a ball, South Aussie players will know him well, if they haven’t met him they will have heard him. Sorry heard of him.
Before I give a rundown on the day let me say the venue is a always pleasure to play in (unless you get nailed in the 1st round that is) and we give thanks to Twin Towns services club for making it available to us.
OK now down to business, the girls winner was Tracey Wessling but great efforts from Vikki, Joe and Min made it a hard fought affair. Talking about affairs, no best I don’t.
All our young guns were suffering from the night before and never really featured, being in the pensioner range we don’t put ourself through such torment at least on a weekly basis.
Marco Polo had the chance to skin the silver fox but dropped the skinning knife on the penultimate stroke (ouch). Dene H (my old foe) got rid of Watty in the first half then got Silver to make the final in a good effort of potting and patience. More later.
I see Graham Dott last years world snooker champion never made it past the first round last night. Makes me feel better. At least St George didn’t get beaten this week. (had a bye but it all counts).
Stormin Norman looked like today was going to be his day, but he went for lunch with his cheer squad (Patricia) and never came back the same player. Hmm not sure what the lunch was.
It all came back to Dene H and Dax in the final (I was standing next to him at one stage and I swear “dirty Dax” would have been more appropriate). Dax was too clinical for Dene and the Broken Hill lad got the money easily. Hope the prizemoney increased at the Seagulls poker later in the night.
A great day was had by all. Thanks to Mickey Green and Wayne Randall for representing the Gold Goast association and Mark Morrison and his crew for representing the Gold Coast City 8ball association.

I am knackered and the Bronco’s have just won so the weeks tipping has gone astray again so it is time for bed.

Tip for the week: Vikki, if you let it hang out a tad more the Captain will miscue every time and you win. It’s all fair.