2007 4th Ranker

Dax and Watty were fighting out the final when I left after a field of 32 played off. More details tomorrow. Welcome back to Allan Kane the old fox is back.

Got that wrong Dene and Dax were fighting out the semi when I left. Dene got over Dax and the beat Watty in round 1 but Watty got him in round 2 to get the money. Dax 3rd Mr Bean 4th.

Mighty “Moo” Malone made a celebrity appearance and pinched the best ladies prizemoney (don’t spend it al at once gnoma). Then had to leave under pressure from brother Jack and gave me an easy run through. Thanks Mel.

Mr Bean continued his good form and reached the top 4 again hope he can continue it all into The North Coast Summer Comp Grand Final day this Sunday to be held upstairs Coolangatta Hotel on Sunday 27th May.

We had 32 players and the day went along smoothly and was all over by 6.00pm (guessing there as I was gone but that would be close to the mark). A couple of the young lads took early losses to go and have a snooze after late nights. The girls had a good representation with the Dark and Stormy Queen Joe up from Yamba and staying overnight (just as well), Tracey (with an e) Gnoma, Min, Vikki and Tomo all strutting their stuff.

Trent and Deano outstayed the others in the youthful stakes, all the old guys stayed the distance. See what good clean living does for you. Speaking of clean living I put the Captain on the table next to Vikki and he only miscued once so that showed some concentration and steely resolve on the Captains part. Smallie, Dennis, Kerry, Allan, Captain, Wiilie and Fisho are all in form and the Masters playoffs looks like being a pretty tough event down the track.

A good day had by all and thanks to Geoffrey and The Coolangatta Hotel for their support.

Don’t forget next Sundays North Coast Summer Comp Grand Final day at the Coolie is also the sign on day for the Spring comp and a chance to come along and see some good pool and how our grand final day works with all teams participating getting prizemoney from 1st to last.