2008 Singles Champ Peter Watt

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2008 Singles Champion: Peter Watt

With Travis Crawley his lovely wife and young son Jack galivanting around Europe at the moment it made Wattys charge to his third NSW singles title a bit easier but not by much. More to follow as I just lost the report that was all but finished by not saving it as I went. **#% it.

NSW8BALL open singles champion 2008 is Peter Watt, 2nd Gavin Hansen,3rd Jason Levesque, 4th Poppy.

Since the inception of the NSW open singles in 2005 every winner has been in the Australian open singles final at some stage of their careers with 2 outright winners. That shows the quality of our event. Prizemoney this year was $1000 and our goal is to raise that each year until the event is a must for all NSW pool players and we will eventually play it over 2 days. That is in the near future.

Today 30 players did battle in the best of 15 (best of 7 in the back half) double elimination event, and it was a very strong turnout. Top seed was Watty, 2nd seed Bronson Blackmore, 3rd seed Micky Allan, 4th seed Dene Heremaia. The fist round with Watty and Bronson getting byes through went pretty much according to the seedings except for 7th seed Brian Green getting belted by Sticks Torpy. Josh King pushed Northy to 8-6 as did the Captain Steve chapman against 4th seed Dene Heremaia. Jason Kyranis,

Mr Bean (pictured) aka Craig Johnston and Rob Pleming all got home 8 zip then Bronson looked good in putting out toughnut Wayne Randall 8-3 in the 2nd round which saw things open up a bit more Credo (pictured) pushed Watty all the way and 8-4 wasn`t a true indication of the closeness of the match. Credo is coming along in leaps and bounds. Northy 8-5 over Jason Levesque, Damien Smith got over Geoff Atkinson 8-5Mr Bean came to live and belted Dene Heremaia 8-2 anoth sluggish start by Dene. Bean then overcame team mate Damien Smith 8-5 and it looked like it might be his day as he was on a gimme out to go to 3-2 up against Watty in the first Semi final. Oops he missed and the miss saw the old gremlins come back and he never won another frame 8-2 Watty. Watty in the main final Mr Bean out the back where he played well but went down to Jason Jevesque 4-2 to end up +5th. Good effort by the Bean.

Meanwhile in the other front half I blew a 5-1 against Rob Pleming, lead and Micky after a close tussle 8-4 with Ryan Feekan (pictured) in the first round nearly blew an unbeatable lead but picked himself up to outlast Gold Coast identity Jason Kyranis 8-7 but couldn`t keep the magic going and was outlasted by team mate Rob Pleming 8-5. It was all happening in the bottom 8. Greenie out early then Gavin Hansen took out Sticks 8-4, a good day for sticks who then went down to Gold Coast 8ball President Mick Green 4-3. Gav then absolutely smashed 2nd seed Bronson 8-1 who was a bit shell shocked and went down to Jason Levesque 4-3 to have an early exit. Gav the took out Rod P 8-1 who then went down to Poppy 4-1 and another was on his way home. Team mates Watty and Gavin in the main final but Wattys experience shone through and he went through 8-3. In the back half Poppy had got through past Jason Kyranis 4-3 after being 3-1 and Jason being nice to me then past Wayne Randall (pictured) 4-1 who finished top 8 with Dene Heremaia who went down to Jason Levesque in a disappointing day for him especially after the All Blacks had gone down to the Springboks the night before. Jason then slipped past me 4-2 but couldn`t quite match Gavin so it was back to Gav and Watty. Gav beating watty twice in best of 15 frame matches was never really an option and Watty got the title.

It was a good day and as I said earlier the more popular this title is getting will see us push the prizemoney out and take it over 2 days in future if we continue to get the support the event deserves. State titles deserve best of 15 formats then the very best player on the day takes the honours.

Now its on to the open team playoffs next week on Saturday and Sunday at Coolie Hotel 9.00-9.30 pay up time. Start right on ten.